Sunday, October 24, 2010

Representing information visually

Free tools for creating visual "info" graphics

100 Top Tools for Learning

From Jane Hart's website:

100 Tools for Learning 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

100 Top YouTube Videos for Teachers

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pixton! Comics across the curriculum

I've just discovered PIXTON,an easy to use,terrific tool for creating comics. And what fun it is... for free.(Clive Goodinson, it's creator will be presenting at the CUEBC conference on Oct 22,2010 which will be held at Cambie Sec in Richmond)

Here's an example of what you can do with Pixton: Click on the comic strip to enlarge it.

Tips on Making a Good Documentary film

Here's a short film with some good tips to keep in mind when making your own docs.

5. Documentary Filmmaking from 4-H Filmmaking on Vimeo.

Tell us what you think.. add your own ideas to the mix and share!